Utilizing Microsoft Azure Backup with Kaspersky Antivirus

For almost all IT professionals, antivirus products tend to be like a back pimple - mildly annoying but significantly difficult to ignore. We've been deploying Kaspersky antivirus for nearly 6 months now to multiple clients and, while it's been better than most, I've still seen my fair share of required exclusions. One of which is with the Microsoft Azure Backup service. If you deploy Microsoft Azure Backup to a machine running Kaspersky, you'll probably get the following error:

Azure Backup Error 0x07EF9

Azure Backup Error 0x07EF9


If you're a TechNet addict like myself, you may have already found a few threads telling you to exclude the scratch VHDs and directories that Azure Backup creates. This won't actually fix anything. After a lot of general screwing around I MEAN TESTING, I was able to find a solution:

Also add "cbengine.exe" to the Trusted Applications list.

Also add "cbengine.exe" to the Trusted Applications list.

Yep, you can exclude the directories and executable (cbengine.exe), but unless you also exclude all VHD files, Kaspersky will still lock the files while the Azure Backup engine tries to access them. Barf.


CAVEAT: This has been confirmed to work on Kaspersky Server Antivirus 10.2.x.